08 Juni, 2012

[NEW] [WORK] Hack, Cheat Premium Akun Perangkaum.net dan TribalWars.net 2012

-Mozilla Fire Fox

perangkaum.net : work dunia 1, dunia 2, dunia 3, dunia 4, dunia 5, dunia 6, dunia 7, dunia 8, dunia 9, dunia 10, dunia 11 (new)
tribalwars.net : all world

1. download greasemonkey : Klik disinih
2. tunggu instalasi greasemonkey dan terakhir restart mozilla fire fox
3. download cheat script premium akun  : klik disinih
4. instal script dan restart mozilla fire fox
5. login perangkaum.net
6. pilih "Tinjauan" , dan selesai.

 English Version
-Mozilla Fire Fox

perangkaum.net: work world 1, world 2, world 3, world 4, world 5, the world 6world 7, world 8tribalwars.net: all world

tribalwarsmasters.net : all world


1. download greasemonkey: Click here

2. wait a greasemonkey installation and final restart mozilla fire fox

3. download cheat script premium account: click here

4. install script and restart mozilla fire fox

5. perangkaum.net login or tribalwars.net

6. select "Overview", and complete.